Choose the squash ball that is best suited for your skill and fitness level. Your overall enjoyment of the game will go up while the potential for injury goes down.
This brief test is designed to help you figure out which of the four most popular balls is best suited for your equipment and fitness level. Infrequent squash players with older equipment will want to use one of the first two balls. Frequent players with the latest equipment will want to use one of the last two squash balls.
Score one point for each true answer. The ball with the most points is probably best for you and will ensure that you get the highest level of enjoyment from your squash matches. It is possible to score identical results in two categores. In that case, you can either choose one or play
with the ball that best suits your opponent.
I have played squash fewer than 10 times in my life
I frequently suffer from back, neck, leg or elbow pain after playing squash
I have reduced mobility due to age, fitness level or previous injury
I am more than 30 lbs. over ideal weight for my age, height and gender
I have played squash fewer than 10 times per year over the past 5 years
I have persistent difficulties with defensive boasts when playing with yellow dot balls (or, I don’t know what a defensive boast is so I am unable to answer this question)
I usually wear cross-trainers, running shoes, tennis shoes or basketball shoes when I play squash
My squash racquet is more than 10 years old
My squash racquet cost less than $100
I am under 10 or over 50 years old
I have played squash fewer than 50 times in my life
I have played squash less than once per month on average over the past 3 years
I am more than 10 lbs. over ideal weight for my age, height and gender
I have not played squash in the past 12 months
I am under 10 or over 40 years old
I typically experience discomfort and stiffness the day after doing 20 full lunges on each leg in rapid succession
My squash racquet cost less than $100
I play squash in order to get some exercise
I frequently experience elbow, back, leg or shoulder pain 48 hours after playing squash against an opponent of approximately equal skill
I have played squash more than 20 times in the past year
I typically play squash at least once per week during squash season
I am less than 10 lbs. over ideal weight for my age, height and gender
I workout or train outside of squash (at least occasionally) in order to improve my squash
I play on a ladder, in a league or with a team more than twice per month during squash season
My squash racquet cost more than $100
My racquet is less than 5 years old
I typically experience no discomfort or stiffness the day after doing 20 full lunges on each leg in rapid succession
I only wear indoor court shoes when I play squash
When I play with single yellow dot balls, the ball often hits the back wall before bouncing twice on my forehand drives
I regularly workout or train outside of squash in order to improve my squash
Double yellow dot balls regularly hit the back wall before bouncing twice on my backhand straight drive
I have played more than 200 squash games in the past year
I am over 10 and under 35 years old
I typically experience no discomfort or stiffness the day after doing 40 full lunges on each leg in rapid succession
I am training for a tournament or working toward becoming a squash professional
My squash racquet cost more than $200
I have not suffered a rotator cuff injury in the past 12 months
I do not usually experience leg, back, or elbow pain 48 hours after playing squash against an opponent of approximately equal skill
I am at or below ideal weight for my age, height and gender