Racquet Network invites frequent intermediate racquet sports players to become Product Playtesters.
Product Playtesters are brand ambassadors who test racquets, strings, shoes and other products during their regular activities and then write product reviews which are published on our website.
Even though they do not work for us, we consider Product Playtesters to be part of the family and we allow them to purchase everything we sell at staff price.
In many cases, Product Playtesters are allowed to keep what they test. In some cases, they have the option of purchasing tested products at staff price once testing is complete.
In order to become a Product Playtesters, an applicant must be a frequent player at the intermediate level who has been a Racquet Network customer for at least one full year. They must be active in their sport at least nine months per year, must be active on social media channels and must demonstrate enthusiasm for Racquet Network on their social media accounts.
Racquet Network supports a maximum of five product testers in each of the following sports:
- tennis
- squash
- badminton
- pickleball
- racquetball
To apply to become a product tester, please send an email to orders@racquetnetwork.com.
Before you do that, however, consider the following points carefully.
- We only consider applicants who live in Calgary.
- We only consider customers who have been with us for a year or more.
- We only consider frequent intermediate players — not beginners, not experts.
- We only consider people who are active in their sport nine months a year or more.
- We only consider people who have already shown us love on their social media accounts.
All new Product Playtesters start on a waiting list and remain there for a minimum of three months while they wait for a position to come open. When/if they are accepted as Product Playtesters, they get a maximum term of one year.
Sorry. There are no exceptions. After one year, it is time to step aside and allow somebody else to have this opportunity.