
Badminton Racquet Stringing – 1-Day

Original price was: CAD $57.00.Current price is: CAD $46.49.

在线订购相对于进店购买,可以节省 25% 的人工成本。

Save 25% on labour over walk-in customers when you order online.

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String 1 String

Choose a string to install.

An excellent choice for nylon shuttles.

Original price was: CAD $17.00.Current price is: CAD $13.99.

Base Grip 3 Base Grip

Overgrip 4 Overgrip

Stencil 5 Stencil

CAD $57.00 CAD $46.49


Customers who pre-order online will always save money over walk-in customers.

Fast and convenient badminton racquet stringing service in Calgary. Two-week warranty.

Our racquet stringing technicians are USRSA trained. Most are also members of the Yonex Stringing Team. All racquets are checked and verified by a second stringer to ensure quality control. Our stringing machine is the best in the business.

Custom racquet stringing services are covered by a two week warranty and come with a satisfaction guarantee. Customers can choose from one-day or one-week turnaround. Customers may also choose to have their racquets shipped to them after they are repaired. This is a popular option for our out-of-town customers.

See our RACQUET SERVICE POLICY for details.

We are Racquet Stringing Experts

Our Master Stringers are trained by the US Racquet Stringer’s Association.
Racquet Network is a member of the prestigious Yonex Stringing Team.
In 2017, members of the Racquet Network custom stringing team were invited to string at the Canadian Open Badminton Championships in Calgary.
In 2018, we strung racquets for professionals at the National Bank Challenger Event in Calgary.

Yonex Stringing Team

Racquet Network is a member of the prestigious Yonex Stringing Team. We are invited to string at elite tennis and badminton events. While we cannot attend every event we are invited to, we do our best to help out when such events are in Alberta.

Product Details

Offer Type

This offer must be purchased through the website

Item Type

Service occurs in-store after being purchased online

Store Availability

This ecommerce website does not track in-store inventory, in-store offers, or in-store prices. That information is available in-store.

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