Racquet Network staff are certified experts. Many are also certified coaches. Racquet Network Experts undergo extensive training and product knowledge testing in order to ensure that we have the most knowledgeable staff in the racquet sports industry.
The list below is automatically generated by our website, so it is always up-to-date. It takes into account the online sales of all shoes in this category — Men’s Squash Shoes — and it displays the Top 9 results. What it cannot tell you is if the players who purchased these bought them to play squash or some other sport. Since most court shoes can be used for multiple sports, though, this list still serves as a valuable starting point.
For a full list of shoes in this category, please check out our ONLINE SHOE SELECTOR. You can sort by sport, gender, brand, size, weight, balance and more.
For a full list of shoes in this category, please check out our ONLINE SHOE SELECTOR. You can sort by sport, gender, brand, size, weight, balance and more.
Check your racquet balance in-storeHead heavy squash racquets are preferred by players who want additional power from their racquet. While lower level players seem to be attracted to head light racquets because they believe that the lighter head will allow them to hit harder, the opposite is generally true. The more head heavy a squash racquet is, the more powerful it will be.
Generally speaking, the vast majority of squash racquets in the marketplace are head heavy. Even most of the frames that are marketed as “head light” are, in fact, head heavy. We can say this with certainty because every squash racquet that comes through our store is put on a racquet balancer where we consistently find that frames that claim to be head light are actually head heavy.
For a full list of racquets in this category, please check out our ONLINE RACQUET SELECTOR. You can sort by sport, gender, brand, size, weight, balance and more.
For a full list of racquets in this category, please check out our ONLINE RACQUET SELECTOR. You can sort by sport, gender, brand, size, weight, balance and more.
Check your racquet balance in-storeHead light squash racquets are most suitable for high level players capable of extremely fast swing speeds. While lower level players seem to be attracted to head light racquets because they believe that the lighter head will allow them to hit harder, the opposite is generally true. The lack of weight increases the speed of the swing but the reduced weight of the head reduces overall power generation.
Furthermore, while there are a lot of squash racquets on the market that claim to be head light, few actually are. Buyer beware. The balance printed on the vast majority of squash racquets is misleading and often wrong. Racquet Network has a balance beam available in-store for customers who want to check the actual balance of the racquets we sell.
For a full list of racquets in this category, please check out our ONLINE RACQUET SELECTOR. You can sort by sport, gender, brand, size, weight, balance and more.
Some Head Light Squash Racquets
For a full list of racquets in this category, please check out our ONLINE RACQUET SELECTOR. You can sort by sport, gender, brand, size, weight, balance and more.
Bring your badminton racquet in and we will professionally re-grip it for you.When the grip is worn on your squash racquet, you will miss shots you would normally make.
In fact, every time you hit hard shots off center, the squash racquet will turn in your hand. The more it turns in your hand, the more shots you will miss.
Most recreational squash players don’t understand the importance of grip. They think it is an unimportant part of the racquet when it is actually more important than the string bed.
A squash player who has good traction on his racquet handle can play well with new strings or old strings. But a player with no traction on his handle can’t play well with either.
Racquet Network offers free labour for re-gripping squash racquets in our southwest Calgary store. The whole process only takes a few minutes. We can usually do it right on the spot.
Racquet Grip
Racquet Network carries a large selection of grips for squash and other racquet sports. Bring your racquet into the store and we will professionally re-grip it for you.
We stock more tennis apparel for men than anybody in Calgary.Racquet Network carries a large selection of apparel for men who play tennis and other racquet sports.
We have a large selection of black and white shorts as well as a number of tee shirts and polo shirts. To the greatest extent possible, we carry all sizes including XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL and XXXL.
However customers should be aware that many tennis apparel suppliers in Canada restrict their size runs to S, M, L and XL, so our selection of XS, XXL and XXXL can be limited, depending on the time of year.
The brands were carry include 10S, which is the hottest Canadian brand in tennis right now. We also carry Yonex ™, Wilson ™, Babolat ™, Tecnifibre ™, Salming, Adidas ™, Fila, Asics ™, Victor ™ and a few others. We carry everything from simple cotton tee shirts to high end technical fabrics that keep players cool and dry.
We are aware of The Glencoe Club rules regarding colours and can help customers pick tournament apparel that meets their 70% white requirements.
While we do our best to try to keep the tennis apparel section our website up to date, this is not always possible. Therefore we recommend that customers come into our store and take advantage of our two fitting rooms to try stuff on.
Tennis Apparel
Racquet Network carries a large selection of apparel for men who play tennis and other racquet sports.
Our Pro Shop has moved to Canyon Meadows Shopping Center. It is on the 2ND FLOOR of the NORTH WING. The unmarked glass doors leading to the second floor are immediately to the right of the Rexall Drug Store. Please note the new address: 2ND FLOOR - NORTH WING, UNIT 201, 11625 ELBOW DR SW. Dismiss